When You Flow, You Glow
Leah Kustiner
Trauma Healer & Stress Management Coach
Healing Methods
EFT Tapping- Emotional Freedom Technique
Stress management
Chassidic Energy Healing
Life Counseling
Guided Meditations and Visualizations

Why is it Important to Release Your Stress?
The importance of stress release and the development of self-regulation skills cannot be overstated in promoting a healthy lifestyle. Effectively managing stress enhances emotional resilience and improves one's capacity to navigate challenges.
Additionally, cultivating self-regulation skills facilitates better decision-making, impulse control, and sustained focus in diverse situations. Collectively, these practices contribute to heightened interpersonal relationships, increased productivity, and overall well-being.
Why Does Healing Help?
Ever wish things were different? Or that things just "flowed" more? Here at Maayanot Chayim, my job is to help you achieve your personal, internal, goals and to help you make those changes that you never imagined could happen, and mend those relationships you thought were at their end.
Whether it be a phobia, chronic headache, or a difficult relationship you are living with, I am happy to help you address the issue and help you flow.
Remember, G-d is the healer. And nothing can stand in G-d's way... when we are open to it.
Client Testimonials
Leah is a true healer - channel for G-d's healing and pure light. She knows how to create the vessel for the exact healing people need no matter what the problem
I went to Leah after my life coach suggested that bodywork would help me release toxic emotions from childhood. The idea is our cells hold onto emotions and we can only accomplish a limited amount of healing through traditional talk therapy. Leah accomplished that healing for me. She has tremendous insight into the mind and emotions and her EFT work enabled me to make a leap with my healing that could have not happened without the physical tapping on certain acupressure points. Leah also provides a very safe environment to be vulnerable in and I felt comfortable opening up to her. Her gentle and compassionate manner and spiritual focus allowed us to accomplish a lot of healing of deep past trauma in only a few sessions.
In her inspired way Leah Kustiner is able to quickly identify the underlying issues and the connections between them. With precision, wisdom and patience Leah is able to untangle the past and present challenges by addressing the underlying trauma. Her approach is very focused and efficient, and the results are immediately observable.
It really helped me to speak to Leah about what was bothering me specifically because I wanted to get help coming from a kedusha place. I felt I was able to speak with her openly knowing that all spoken of was confidential. Just after a few sessions with Leah I felt I was able to let go of what was bothering me deep down. Thanks Leah
As a religious Jew with ADHD, it can be difficult to learn and even apply teachings. (Leah, Mrs. Kustiner, which ever you prefer) guided me and I went into the depths of my soul and found the root of the problem. After my first session with (enter which name you use business wise) the bad went out and the good came in, and I can now deal with these issues and still function in society.
- Anonymous, male
"The treatments made me less sensitive and nothing is as bad anymore. People don't hurt my feelings as much and my legs don't hurt as much. Also usually I'm in a better mood after a session."
-SK, 7
I was in a frightening car accident. I right away came for a treatment and there was no damage whatsoever. I pass by that intersection all the time and I feel no fear. “
There are times when you feel as thought your brain is scattered, as though there are so much thoughts in your head that you can't even focus on one, as though your heart is being crushed by the pressure of anxiety. There are times when you feel as though there is no clarity anymore. In a time like this, I went to Mrs Kustiner trauma therapy, she listened to what I had to say about what I felt, she was extremely non judgmental and understanding. She treated me, had me express my traumas, and she cleared my energy. When I left her house, the scrambled mess that was my brain was completely cleared out. What's more, there was a light in me, a light that I didn't know I had because it was blocked by the mess in me, yet she revealed it to me by cleaning my energy and clearing my mind. To this day, I know that the light is there, and whenever I feel to cluttered, I call upon it and it clears me up again. This is the incredible outcome of trauma therapy. It helps not only currently, but it gives you the realization that you had the light to help you all along, the tool that teaches you how to deal with stress in a beautiful way. The tool that shapes your future.
-ND, 18
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